
Call for IEEE ICDE 2020 Demonstration Proposals


The Demonstrations Track of ICDE 2020 invites exciting and highly interactive demonstrations on data engineering research. We solicit demo proposals in all areas of data and knowledge engineering, including but not limited to, database systems, data management and processing techniques, and data-intensive applications. All demonstration submissions must:

  1. Provide the motivation behind the demonstrated concept(s)
  2. Describe the system and the technology
  3. Explain what features and scenarios will be demonstrated, and
  4. State the novelty and significance of the contribution.

Video Submissions

We encourage the submission of a demonstration video (of up to 5 minutes, 50MB max. file size) together with your demonstration proposal. Both the demonstration proposal and the video will then be accessible by the reviewers. Your video should summarize your demonstration and also audio-visually highlight its most important aspects, such as the user interface, options for user interactions, the system setup, etc. The video should be submitted in MPEG/AVI/MP4 format and be playable by the common media players. Please note that you will need to first finish your demo proposal submission and then edit it to add the video as a supplementary file.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 11:59PM US PDT.
Demo Submission: November 15, 2019 (Friday)
Notification of acceptance: December 25, 2019
Camera-ready copy due: February 28, 2020 

Criteria for Selecting Demos

Demonstration proposals will be selected based on several criteria, including (i) relevance, (ii) novelty, (iii) depth, and (iv) the “wow” factor of the proposed demonstration. The proposal must clearly describe the functionality that will be demonstrated, and how the audience will be able to interact with the system.

Demo Submission Information

Manuscripts must be prepared in accordance with the given submission guidelines. The length of demo papers is 4 pages, including references. Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered. Please upload your submission to the ICDE 2020 Demos Track through the CMT submission site prior to the deadline.

To minimize biases in the evaluation process, we use CMT conflict management system, through which authors will flag conflict of interest with the Demo Program Committee members.

All authors of a submission must declare conflicts on CMT prior to the submission deadline. You have a conflict with X:

  1. If you and X have worked in the same university or company in the past two years, or will be doing so in the next six months on account of an accepted job offer.
  2. If you and X have collaborated recently, as evidenced in a joint publication or jointly organized event in the past two years, or are collaborating now.
  3. If you are the PhD thesis advisor of X or vice versa, irrespective of how long ago this was.
  4. If X is a relative or close personal friend.

Submissions with undeclared conflicts or spurious conflicts will be desk rejected.

Demo proposals submitted to ICDE cannot be under review for any other publishing forum or presentation venue (including conferences, workshops, and journals) during the time they are being considered for ICDE. Furthermore, after you submit to ICDE, you must await our response and only resubmit elsewhere if your demo is rejected (or withdrawn at your request). This restriction applies to identical submissions as well as to submissions with a substantial overlap in scientific content and results.

Accepted demo papers will be included in the conference proceedings. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a demo paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if none of the authors will attend the conference to present the demonstration.

Demo Chairs

  1. Angela Bonifati
  2. Dacheng Tao
  3. Cuneyt Gurcan Akcora