Currently Suspended
The annual IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) is one of the premier conferences in data and information engineering and addresses research issues on designing, building, managing, and evaluating advanced data-intensive systems and applications. It is a leading forum for researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore cutting-edge ideas and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences. ICDE usually attracts over 400 participants including a large number of influential thought leaders and decision makers from IT industry and academia. ICDE 2020 will be held in Dallas, Texas, USA.
You are invited to be part of this exciting event and actively contribute to the success of ICDE 2020
PLATINUM SPONSORS (minimum of USD $20,000)
Company logo on all large banners displayed at the conference venue area, and at reception and banquet
Large company logo on the website and on the poster of the conference as a Platinum supporter
Two company handouts at registration
Two pages for advertisement in the conference program booklet
Acknowledgement as a Platinum supporter at the conference banquet
A premier place in the Exibition Area (1 table & 2 chairs in the best location)
Three free registrations, and 20% off for additional three
Two reserved round tables at lunch on two days
Optional support (for additional fee) of an event (reception, banquet)
GOLD SPONSORS (minimum of USD $10,000)
Company logo on all large banners displayed at the conference venue area, and at reception and banquet
Company logo on the website and on the poster of the conference as a Gold supporter
One company handout at registration
One page for advertisement in the conference program booklet
Acknowledgement as a Gold supporter at the conference banquet
A place in the Exhibition Area (1 table & 2 chairs)
Three free registrations
One reserved round table at lunch on two days
SILVER SPONSORS (minimum of USD $5,000)
Company logo on all banners displayed at the conference venue area, and at reception and banquet
Company logo on the website and on the poster of the conference as a Silver supporter
One company handout at registration
Half-page advertisement in the conference program booklet
Acknowledgement as a Silver supporter at the conference banquet
A place in the Exhibition Area (1 table & 1 chair)
One free registration
BRONZE SPONSORS (minimum of USD $3,000)
Company logo on all banners displayed at the conference venue area, and at reception and banquet
Company logo on the website and on the poster of the conference as a Bronze supporter
One company handout at registration
Quarter-page for advertisement in the conference program booklet
Acknowledgement as a Bronze supporter at the conference banquet
We will welcome other types of support and are open to negotiation on specific terms. For example financial support for travel/registration directly to PhD students.
Contact ICDE2020 Sponsorship Co-chairs:
K. Selçuk Candan ([email protected]),
Sharad Mehrotra ([email protected]), Lei Chen ([email protected]).